Chiggy's Here

So as I mentioned in my previous post, a cat was rescued and brought inside my home. I gazed at it continuously to know whether it is acute sick or not. Then I went to the kitchen and brought some milk in a pot. The cat was not much familiar with humans. It seemed like the cat was petrified and had fear of humans. 

Why not Fear Humans?

We humans are the one who are responsible for demonstrating power over helpless and poor animals. We just play with them like toys and hurt them. Why we just can't understand that every living being has emotions. Just like we feel emotions, so do these animals feel. They can be amiable, friendly and funny too. I hope people understand what I meant to say. 

Anyways let me tell you what happened next. 

The cat was petrified so I gave it some space and its litter box too. All it needed was two days time. After two days, it started to show its impish qualities and all of the super powers it had. Just kidding. The cat started to play and we are now best friends. But there was another thing that baffled me a lot. It was the name.

I spent so much time thinking about what should I call my cat?

Well, that was an easy question for me because I nick named many people based on their characteristics. But this time, it was much difficult because there is difference between naming cats and humans. Funny! isn't?

After a lot of thinking, I came to one conclusion. Yes. The one and only name that will define my kittie cat would be "Chiggy !" It's Chiggy. 

You must be wondering how did I came to know that name? The answer to this question is pretty much hilarious. 

My cat used to watch an advertisement on TV. It was a toothpaste ad that my cat liked the most. The ad sings a jingle with a word "Chiggy! Chiggy! Chiggy!."

Well, whenever I heard that ad, I heard only one word. "Chiggy"

So I started to call my cat Chiggy.
Chiggy is getting bigger day by day and becoming a naughty cat. It sometimes stays outside for 24 hours making me perplexed. Sometimes, stays all day home, sometimes stays all day outside. I was wondering what it might be doing outside home. What you think? What cats do when no one keep a check on them?


I will share all of Chiggy's impish movements in my next post. 
I hope you will enjoy it.