There's a Cat!

It was a hot day of Summer, and I was struggling to forget my lost kitten. More precisely, yeah! I was struggling to forget many other things too. Those things that have left unforgettable and pungent marks.Those that have tormented me inside out. But this is not about that.

Being an ailurophile, it’s hard not to have any cat or even any pet at home. I always loved animals. I do not know why but yes I do. I do care them whenever someone hurt them or abandon them. I cannot see them in pain or struggling through the hunger. Whenever I found such animals I feed them with food to eat and water or milk to drink. Yes, this is me. I always do this. People may think of me as crazy and I want to say: yes, I am. That's the way I am me.

Let’s get to the point where was I?

Yeah! It was a hot summer day. Well! I was busy in everyday routine of mine a forever-scheduled unending one. It was June 16, 2020. The Summer breeze was merciless. My younger brother went out of home, just as usual he does, to play outside on his bicycle. Then he came back after some time. 

He came to me hurriedly. I was wondering he was going to tell me something unusual as he always used to tell me things about people doing weird things, or kids having idiotic talks etc. But he always ended his discussions on cats in most cases. 

"There's a cat outside. Perhaps a kitten I guess!" He said anxiously.

"A kitten? Is it OK? Where is it?" I added.

"yes! I found a cat and it is laying on a sidewalk next to our neighborhood” He explained. 

"Show me where?" I said to him.  

"It's there”!

He pointed his finger towards the cat. There I saw a cat. The cat looked hopeless, breathless, sick and tired. It was suffering from hunger and dehydration too. It was unconscious and unknown to its surroundings.

"Bring it in” I insisted to my brother.

My brother grabbed it nicely and brought it inside.

And that was the day when my life changed again. I found another cat. 


Being an ailurophile, cats are life. You can play, laugh and talk as much as you want with your cat. They never mind it at all. That's why I found another cat after losing my old kitten. Time spent with your pets specifically with cats is never wasted. They can make your life memorable.  Some cats are innocent and others are impish ones but I have one with the combination of these both. The impish, naughty and the savage one.

Hey wait, what should I call it...👀?