Haunted House

Into the Wilderness: Quandary Woe

A man walks into a mart and buys a hammer, duct tape and a rope. He walks across the mart for almost half an hour. Then he leaves. It’s a pitch black darkness that is surrounding the night. No one can tell what time it is. But the man continues his walk into the menacing woods. As he walks, engulfing darkness starts prevailing around him. There lies clanking sounds of unknown and sepulchral voices and rancid aromas. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees a tenebrous valley with its opaque waters running like some unleashed animals.

The hazy air among the trees speaks of something unintelligible. Something that intimidates choking sensations ahead. The fear of being watched by someone and fear of being discovered in a place like this, the man takes a bird's eye view of his surroundings. He keeps on walking straight into the dense areas of the forest. All of a sudden, a flash of lightning strikes and a heavy rain starts pouring droplets of water. When he reaches a dreary place, filled with creepy piles of dirt and filth around an unknown gloomy cottage, he whispers to himself in a vague voice: " Now the Time has come!".

He feels something amorphous, something unknown following him. However, he gathers his nerves and continues what he meant to do on this stormy night with a hammer, a duct tape and a rope. He then stops nearby that cottage and takes the hammer out to break the door lock. He looks anxious and aghast. After breaking that dark and silent door lock of the cottage, the man starts walking straight into that cottage. At once, howling winds start making noises through the trees of forest, with relentless rain and heavy thunderstorm. The man enters the main hallway and walks down through it to an unlit room. As he reaches towards the room, the voices become louder and louder. Instantaneously another flash of lightning strikes and a shadow is now visible to the man but that creepy shadow disappears in a blink of an eye. He sticks to the ground for a moment to think. Then the man opens the door as hammer strikes it hard.

There he hears some screams and cries. He uses rope to go down the abyss of the room and sees a woman crying and screaming for help and mercy. She is helpless, fragile and weak. Seems like she has been there since forever. The man stops by her with hammer and a duct tape. But the man does not seems satisfied, nor as cool as cucumber. Suddenly, something enters the room with a deadly and gruesome voice that starts grumbling behind the man. He seems dreadful and terrible. The man tries to reach the woman as badly as he can but could not. The woman shrieked at once: “watch out! Its behind you!”


Something hit the man on his head. He is now injured. The blood is all over the floor. Now both the man and the woman are in a grieve danger of something unknown, something nebulous, something hidden and something mysterious.

"There you are" The grumbling voice replies angrily,

" Now let me see how you can escape from me !!" It adds:

"No one is going to save you today, Hellen!! "

Something creepy and filthy is cooking down the room in the Cottage!


This is how I jot down ideas whenever my mind start making little steps towards whatever comes into my messy mind. I have written this fiction, a short suspense story that is quiet gruesome and mysterious. Into the wilderness, when everything feels in a quandary, and pitch black darkness starts prevailing around,we become aghast,dreadful due to unknown apprehensions that are following us.Only those who are dare enough to think as a protagonist can escape from the course of an antagonist.